Mirror is a utility originally intended for making a local copy of an FTP site (or a portion of an FTP site). It is written in Perl by Lee McLoughlin at Imperial College, London.

I like mirror despite there being several other more modern tools available now. I actually use mirror because of its ability to work in reverse - to place a copy of local filesystem on a remote FTP site. I use this to maintain my websites. Once I have them working correctly on my local filesystem I use mirror to FTP the files that need updating onto my ISP's web server.

Mirror doesn't seem to be actively maintained by Lee McLouglin any more. I've fixed a number of issues in mirror myself and the purpose of this web page is to make those fixes available to anyone else who needs them.

Mirror's license prevents me from distributing the fixed package directly: "Permission to modify the software is granted, but not the right to distribute the modified code. Modifications are to be distributed as patches to released version." So here you'll find the last available released package, a series or patches and a script for putting it all together.

I hope these patches are useful to you. Let me know if you have problems, or if you've updates of your own for mirror which may be useful to me.